byebye london!! i'm a northern lass now!
i move into my little crummy flat tomorrow!!! so i have a very long and very boring 5 hour drive to my new abode! i'm currently making bunting (instead of checking i've actually got everything) for my new room; which if you remember i was supposed to aaages ago! i've found some more cute fabrics so its going to look lovely :) i can't wait to decorate it all and make it mine!! i'll post some pictures up of my flat when i get the opportunity! you can also check how grimey and grey my bathroom. i specifically said (to myself) at the interview that i really hoped i didn't end up in those flats... and hey presto! sod's law really. oh well, it's away from london and away from my crappy past! new things, new people, new part of the country!
third freshers week.... bring it on!!
will post you the pictures of it tomorrow, all supposing internet is in and what not.
if not, speak to you all in a few days!!
i just wanted to say as well actually, that it really does mean alot to me that you are all commenting and making this blog actually worthwhile. i really, really appreciate all of you beautiful people :)
Hannah Crick BA(hons) Fashion Promotion & Styling